Hello! I'm currently a second-year BCA student at Presidency University, Bangalore. Proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I'm delving into MongoDB and React for advanced web development. My academic foundation comes from DPS Udaipur, where I completed +1 and +2. Beyond studies, I've participated in national kayaking and dragon boat championships, showcasing my competitive spirit. I also enjoy badminton and have a passion for adventurous activities like traveling and trekking. What sets me apart is my ability to quickly learn new skills, be it programming languages or outdoor pursuits. Join me on this exciting journey where technology meets creativity, and let's create an innovative future together.

  • Date of birth
    NOV 6 2004
  • Languages
    English, Hindi
  • Hobbies
    Reading, Offroad, Travel
  • Website

I am a passionate web developer with over 36 freelance projects under my belt. I create stunning websites that are responsive, user-friendly, and SEO-optimized. Whether you need a landing page, a blog, an e-commerce site, or anything in between, I can deliver it with quality and speed.

I also had acting experience in the coming soon


Ability to provide services in diverse locations

Many portraits and commercial videography services are done on-site at the client's venue. I will be committed to offering my services at different locations.

good technical knowledge of the product

Videographers need to be experts in taking, processing and editing, including in digitalformats. Having a good sense of lighting, style, color and design is also important.


Good project management skills

Good overall management and communication skills are particularly important to small operators. Ensuring that a quality product is always delivered is important to ongoing success. I shall use various technologies to improve the outcome and costs where available

Receiving the benefit of word of mouth recommendations

Recommendation from satisfied clients create a crucial marketing channel for industry participants. I will focus on networking and spreading the word about my business. I willalso focus on generating awareness about my business in Persian community.


The first and most important step would be to design and launch a website for my business. My website will be an effective way to market my business and introduce it to my potential clients. I will also consider advertising through social media websites. I can create pages on Facebook and Instagram that are dedicated to my business. Through LinkedIn I can get in touch with professional in this field

Online Presence and Advertisement

I will focus on making connections with professionals in this market. I will create business cards for my business and attend various networking events and seminars to spread the word and raise awareness about my business.

Networking & Industry Connections


Freelance Web Designer

I have been working as a freelance web designer since 2020. Over the years, I have collaborated with various clients and completed multiple projects. Some notable experiences include:

❖ Lead Web Designer at XYZ Company


❖ Web Designer at ABC Agency


❖ Internship at WebCrafters



Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)

Presidency University, Bangalore

Various Courses

Completed courses in web design and development through SkillVertex and ACMAGrade.


Web Design
UI/UX Design


  • All
  • Iran
  • Outside country
  • INT (Iran)
  • EXT (Iran)
  • INT
  • EXT